UH Preview

UH Preview

Cougar Preview will be held on October 31, 2020 and November 21, 2020. Cougar Preview is UH’s largest virtual open house event—intended to provide an introduction to any student interested in the University of Houston. At Cougar Preview, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about admission requirements for, meet with your academic college of interest, and learn about how to finance your education.  Register here: https://uh.edu/undergraduate-admissions/discover/events/index

Register for our live virtual Cougar Preview using the link above. You will be able to choose the session you are most interested in for each time block. If you’re interested in more than one session, don’t worry! A recording of each session will be uploaded to an exclusive website sent to all attendees after the event. Once you submit a registration, a confirmation email and text message with the secure session link will be sent to the contact information you provided.

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